29th Brno Biennial
Poster proposal, exhibited in Idea magazine issue 386
Dear Dan, You may or may not know the Moravian Gallery, organiser of Brno Biennial, has no plans to host its next edition in 2020 (and possibly beyond). The Brno Biennial existed continuously since 1963 — and sure, things change, nothing is forever. We* however thought that it would be a shame to let it end so quietly and decided we could create an alternative reality 29th Brno Biennial 2020. We spoke with IDEA magazine and they generously offered pages within their next issue alongside their report of the Fikra graphic design Biennial 01.Our question is then: would you design a poster for the 29th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2020? The brief is very open but its disappearance or the creation of an alternative space time continuum (think anything from quantum physics to Back to the Future) are one possible strand. We cannot offer any monetary compensation and would understand the time pressure as the deadline to get the files to the magazine is the looming 20 May 2019. All we can say is that by creating the full page poster/images in IDEA we can possibly make it happen. What do you say? Thank you, Radim Pesko, åbäke, Sofie Dederen and Madoka Nishi (IDEA)
Hello, Yes – Please make my contribution, a composite of all new poster proposals. Ie. a new poster formed by layering the posters by Sara de Bont / In the Shade of a tree / Laura Pappa & Elisabeth Klement /Jon Sueda /Na Kim / Zak Kyes / Sulki & Min Choi / Brad Haylock / Noviki: Katarzyna Nestorowicz & Marcin Nowicki / Wayne Daly / James Langdon / Jean Claude Chianale / Alyssia Lou and Quentin Schmerbeeg / groupe ccc / Brave new alps / Shin Akiyama / Kazunari Hattori / Aaron Nieh / David and Lissana / Olivier Lebrun & Alexandru Balgiu / Experimental Jetset / Samuel vermeil / Pinar & viola / Linked by Air / Linda van Deursen / Ryan Gander / Åbäke / Radim Pesko